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The Wright's Chaste Wife - A Merry Tale (about 1462) by of Cobsam Adam
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My sovereigns, Saue you my sou_er_eyns in towre & hall_e_,
And send yoū good grace! 3
If ye wylÌ´lÌ´ a stounde blynne,
I will tell you Of a story I wylÌ´lÌ´ begynne,
a tale And telle you alÌ´lÌ´ the cas, 6
Meny farleyes þat I haue herd_e_,
Ye would haue wondyr how yt ferde;
Lystyn, and ye schalÌ´lÌ´ here; 9
of a wright Of a wryght I wylÌ´lÌ´ you telle,
of this land, That some tyme in thys land gan dwelle,
And lyued by hys myster. 12
who, at work, was Whether that he were yn or owte,
afraid of no Of erthely man hadde he no dowte,
earthly man. To werke hows, harowe, nor plowgh, 15
Or other werkes, what so they were,
Thous wrought he hem farre and nere,
And dyd tham wele I-nough. 18
At first he would Thys wryght would wedde no wyfe,
wed no wife, Butt yn yougeth to lede hys lyfe
[leaf 178, back] In myrthe and oþer melody; 21
for wherever he Ou_er_ alÌ´lÌ´ where he gan wende,
went he was AlÌ´lÌ´ they seyd "welcome, frende,
welcome; Sytt downe, and do gla[d]ly." 24
but at last he TylÌ´lÌ´ on a tyme he was wyllyng, THE WRIGHT FALLS
wished As tyme comyth of all_e_ thyng, IN LOVE, AND
(So seyth the p_ro_fesye,) PROPOSES. 27
to have a spouse A wyfe for to wedde & haue
to look after his That myght hys goodes kepe and saue,
goods. And for to leue alÌ´lÌ´ foly. 30
A widow near had a Ther dwellyd a wydowe in þat contre
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