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The Red Seal by Natalie Sumner Lincoln
page 23 of 255 (09%)
which over-looked the stretch of ground between the McIntyre
residence and its neighbor on the north. Apparently, she and Dr.
Stone had the room to themselves.

"I cannot answer your question with positiveness," she stated.
"Frankly, Jimmie appeared impartial in his attentions to the twins.
When he wasn't with Barbara he was with Helen, and vice versa."

Stone gazed at her in some perplexity. "Are you aware that Helen
stated at the police court this morning that she was Turnbull's

"What!" Mrs. Brewster actually bounced in her seat. "You - you
astound me!"

"I was a bit surprised myself," acknowledged the physician. "I
thought Rochester - however, that is neither here nor there. Helen
not only announced she was Jimmie's fiancee but as such demanded
that a post-mortem examination be held to determine the cause of
his death."

Mrs. Brewster's pretty color faded and the glance she turned on her
cousin was sharp. "Why should Helen suspect foul play?" she demanded.
"For that is what her request hinted."

"True." Stone pulled his beard absentmindedly. "Ah, here is Colonel
McIntyre," he exclaimed as the portieres before the hall door parted
and a tall man strode into the library.

McIntyre was a favorite with the old physician, and he welcomed his
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