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The Red Seal by Natalie Sumner Lincoln
page 35 of 255 (13%)
that Mr. Turnbull gave no hint of his identity
while being interrogated at the 8th Precinct
Station. Friends attribute Mr. Turnbull's
disinclination to reveal himself to the court, to
his enjoyment of a practical joke, not realizing
that the resultant excitement of the scene would
react on his weak heart.

"Mr. Turnbull is survived by a great aunt; he had
no nearer relatives living. It is a singular
coincidence that the lawyer appointed by the
court to defend Turnbull was his intimate friend,
Philip Rochester, who made his home with the

Kent read the column over and over, then, letting the paper slip
to the floor, sat back in his chair, too dumb-founded for words.
Jimmie Turnbull arrested as a burglar in the home of the girl he
loved on charges preferred by her, and defended in court by his
intimate friend, both of whom were unaware of his identity! Kent
rumpled his fair hair until it stood upright. And Jimmie's death
had followed almost immediately as the result of over-excitement!

Kent's eyes grew moist; he had been very fond of the eccentric,
lovable bank cashier, whose knack of performing many a kindly act,
unsolicited, had endeared him to friends and acquaintances alike.
Kent had seen much of him after his return from France, for Jimmie's
attention to Helen McIntyre had been only second to Kent's devotion
to the latter's sister, Barbara. The two men had one bond in common.
Colonel McIntyre disliked them and discouraged their calling, to the
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