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The Red Seal by Natalie Sumner Lincoln
page 38 of 255 (14%)
"I?" Kent concealed his growing surprise. "Did he leave any message
for me, other than the letter?"

"No, sir.

"At what hour did he leave the office?"

"I can't say, sir; he was still here when I went away at five
o'clock. He gave me a key to the office so that I could get in
this morning." Kent remained silent, and he added, "Is that all,

"Yes, thanks," and the clerk retired.

As the door closed Barbara turned to Kent. "Have you heard about
Jimmie Turnbull?"

Her voice was a bit breathless as she put the question, but Kent,
puzzling over his partner's eccentric conduct, hardly noted her

"Yes. I saw the account just now in the morning paper," he answered.
"A shocking affair. Poor Turnbull! He was a good fellow."

"He was!" Barbara spoke with unaccustomed vehemence, and looking
at her Kent saw that her eyes were filled with tears. Impulsively
he threw his arm about her, holding her close.

"My heart's dearest," he murmured fondly. "If there is anything
- anything I can do -"
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