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The Red Seal by Natalie Sumner Lincoln
page 4 of 255 (01%)
the deputy marshal, who had motioned to one of the prisoners sitting
in the "cage" to step outside, emphasized his order with a muttered
imprecation to hurry. A slouching figure finally shambled past him
and stopped some little distance from the group in front of the
Judge's bench.

"House-breaking," announced the clerk. "Charge brought by -" He
looked up at the two girls.

"Miss Helen McIntyre," answered one of the twins composedly.
"Daughter of Colonel Charles McIntyre of this city."

"Charge brought by Miss Helen McIntyre," continued the clerk,
"against -" and his pointed finger indicated the seedy looking man
slouching before them.

"Smith," said the latter, and his husky voice was barely audible.

"Smith," repeated the clerk. "First name -?"

"John," was the answer, given after a slight pause.

"John Smith, you are charged by Miss Helen McIntyre with
house-breaking. What say you - guilty or not guilty?"

The man shifted his weight from one foot to the other and shot an
uneasy look about him.

"Not guilty," he responded.

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