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The Red Seal by Natalie Sumner Lincoln
page 41 of 255 (16%)
reproach yourself for being the cause of bringing on Jimmie's heart
attack, and the next you declare you believe he died through foul
play. You," looking at her tenderly, while a whimsical smile
softened his stern mouth, "don't go so far as to claim you murdered
him, do you?"

"Of course I didn't!" Barbara spoke with indignant emphasis, and
her fingers snapped in uncontrollable nervousness. "Jimmie was
very dear" - she hesitated - "to us. Neither Helen nor I can leave
a stone unturned until we know without a shadow of a doubt what
killed him."

"That is easily proven," declared Kent. "An autopsy -"

"Helen asked the coroner to hold one."

Kent stared - the twins were certainly in earnest.

"My advice to you is to wait until you hear the result of the
post-mortem from Coroner Penfield," he said gravely. "Until we know
definitely what killed Jimmie, speculation is idle."

Barbara rose at once. "I thought you would be more sympathetic,"
she remarked, and her voice was a bit unsteady. "I am sorry to
have troubled you."

In an instant Kent was by her side. "Barbara," he entreated. "I
promise solemnly to aid you in every possible way. My only
happiness is in serving you," his voice was very tender. "I slave
here day in and day out that I may sometime be able to make a home
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