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Letters of the Right Honourable Lady M—y W—y M—e - Written during Her Travels in Europe, Asia and Africa to Persons of Distinction, Men of Letters, &c. in Different Parts of Europe by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
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I WAS going, like common editors, to advertise the reader of the
beauties and excellencies of the work laid before him: To tell him,
that the illustrious author had opportunities that other travellers,
whatever their quality or curiosity may have been, cannot obtain; and
a genius capable of making the best improvement of every opportunity.
But if the reader, after perusing _one_ letter only has not
discernment to distinguish that natural elegance, that delicacy of
sentiment and observation, that easy gracefulness, and lovely
simplicity, (which is the perfection of writing) and in which these
_Letters_ exceed all that has appeared in this kind, or almost in
any other, let him lay the book down, and leave it to those who have.

THE noble author had the goodness to lend me her MS. to satisfy my
curiosity in some inquiries I had made concerning her travels; and
when I had it in my hands, how was it possible to part with it? I
once had the vanity to hope I might acquaint the public, that it
owed this invaluable treasure to my importunities. But, alas! the
most ingenious author has condemned it to obscurity during her life;
and conviction, as well as deference, obliges me to yield to her
reasons. However, if these _Letters_ appear hereafter, when I am in
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