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The Botanical Magazine, Vol. 2 - or Flower-Garden Displayed by William Curtis
page 11 of 65 (16%)
familiar to the English ear.

This species takes its' trivial name of _sessile_, from the flowers
having no foot-stalk, but sitting as it were immediately on the end of
the stalk.

The figure here exhibited was taken from a plant which flowered in my
garden last spring, from roots sent me the preceding autumn, by Mr.
ROBERT SQUIBB, Gardener, of Charleston, South-Carolina, who is
not only well versed in plants, but indefatigable in discovering and
collecting the more rare species of that country, and with which the
gardens of this are likely soon to be enriched.

It grows in shady situations, in a light soil, and requires the same
treatment as the _Dodecatheon_ and _round-leav'd Cyclamen_. We have not
yet had a fair opportunity of observing whether this species ripens its
seeds with us: though of as long standing in this country as the
_Dodecatheon_, it is far less common; hence one is led to conclude that
it is either not so readily propagated, or more easily destroyed.


~Calceolaria pinnata. Pinnated Slipper-wort.~

_Class and Order._

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