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The New York Subway - Its Construction and Equipment by Anonymous
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thoroughfares in the lower part of the city were congested with
vehicular traffic.

Finally, the city was unwilling to take any risk, and demanded
millions of dollars of security to insure the completion of the road
according to the contract, the terms of which were most exacting down
to the smallest detail.

The builders of the road did not underestimate the magnitude of the
task before them. They retained the most experienced experts for every
part of the work and, perfecting an organization in an incredibly
short time, proceeded to surmount and sweep aside difficulties. The
result is one of which every citizen of New York may feel proud. Upon
the completion of the road the city will own the best constructed and
best equipped intraurban rapid transit railroad in the world. The
efforts of the builders have not been limited by the strict terms of
the contract. They have striven, not to equal the best devices, but to
improve upon the best devices used in modern electrical railroading,
to secure for the traveling public safety, comfort, and speedy

The road is off the surface and escapes the delays incident to
congested city streets, but near the surface and accessible, light,
dry, clean, and well ventilated. The stations and approaches are
commodious, and the stations themselves furnish conveniences to
passengers heretofore not heard of on intraurban lines. There is a
separate express service, with its own tracks, and the stations are so
arranged that passengers may pass from local trains to express trains,
and vice versa, without delay and without payment of additional fare.
Special precautions have been taken and devices adopted to prevent a
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