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The New York Subway - Its Construction and Equipment by Anonymous
page 19 of 199 (09%)
to include all power houses. He was also to operate the road, as
lessee of the city, for a term not to exceed fifty years, upon terms
to be included in the contract for construction, which might include
provision for renewals of the lease upon such terms as the Board
should from time to time determine. The rental was to be at least
equal to the amount of interest on the bonds which the city might
issue for construction and one per cent. additional. The one per cent.
additional might, in the discretion of the Board, be made contingent
in part for the first ten years of the lease upon the earnings of the
road. The rental was to be applied by the city to the interest on the
bonds and the balance was to be paid into the city's general sinking
fund for payment of the city's debt or into a sinking fund for the
redemption at maturity of the bonds issued for the construction of the
rapid transit road, or roads. In addition to the security which might
be required by the Board of the contractor for construction and
operation, the Act provided that the city should have a first lien
upon the equipment of the road to be furnished by the contractor, and
at the termination of the lease the city had the privilege of
purchasing such equipment from the contractor.

(_f_) The city was to furnish the right of way to the contractor free
from all claims of abutting property owners. The road was to be the
absolute property of the city and to be deemed a part of the public
streets and highways. The equipment of the road was to be exempt from

(_g_) The Board was authorized to include in the contract for
construction provisions in detail for the supervision of the city,
through the Board, over the operation of the road under the lease.

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