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Piano Tuning - A Simple and Accurate Method for Amateurs by J. Cree (Jerry Cree) Fischer
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Business Hints, Ideas in Advertising, and Charges for Services. This
edition is reprinted by special arrangement with Theodore Presser
Company, Presser Place, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, publisher of the
original edition.

_International Standard Book Number: 0-486-23267-0_

_Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 75-14759_

Manufactured in the United States of America

Dover Publications, Inc.

180 Varick Street

New York, N.Y. 10014


For some years past a lack of competent men in the profession of Piano
Tuning has been generally acknowledged. This may be accounted for as
follows: The immense popularity of the piano and the assiduous efforts
of factories and salesmen have led to the result that nearly every
well-to-do household is furnished with an instrument. To supply this
demand the annual production and sale for the year 1906 is estimated
at three hundred thousand pianos in the United States. These pianos
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