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Majorie Daw by Thomas Bailey Aldrich
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attention to a different branch of jurisprudence.

Miss Marjorie asked all manner of leading questions concerning you.
It did not occur to me then, but it struck me forcibly afterwards,
that she evinced a singular interest in the conversation. When I
got back to my room, I recalled how eagerly she leaned forward,
with her full, snowy throat in strong moonlight, listening to what
I said. Positively, I think I made her like you!

Miss Daw is a girl whom you would like immensely, I can tell you
that. A beauty without affectation, a high and tender nature--if
one can read the soul in the face. And the old colonel is a noble
character, too.

I am glad that the Daws are such pleasant people. The Pines is an
isolated spot, and my resources are few. I fear I should have found
life here somewhat monotonous before long, with no other society
than that of my excellent sire. It is true, I might have made a
target of the defenceless invalid; but I haven't a taste for
artillery, moi.



August 17, 1872.

For a man who hasn't a taste for artillery, it occurs to me, my
friend, you are keeping up a pretty lively fire on my inner works.
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