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Majorie Daw by Thomas Bailey Aldrich
page 23 of 28 (82%)


August 29, 1972.

I write in great haste to tell you what has taken place here since
my letter of last night. I am in the utmost perplexity. Only one
thing is plain--you must not dream of coming to The Pines. Marjorie
has told her father everything! I saw her for a few minutes, an
hour ago, in the garden; and, as near as I could gather from her
confused statement, the facts are these: Lieutenant Bradly--that's
the naval officer stationed at Rivermouth--has been paying court to
Miss Daw for some time past, but not so much to her liking as to
that of the colonel, who it seems is an old fiend of the young
gentleman's father. Yesterday (I knew she was in some trouble when
she drove up to our gate) the colonel spoke to Marjorie of Bradly
--urged his suit, I infer. Marjorie expressed her dislike for the
lieutenant with characteristic frankness, and finally confessed to
her father--well, I really do not know what she confessed. It must
have been the vaguest of confessions, and must have sufficiently
puzzled the colonel. At any rate, it exasperated him. I suppose I
am implicated in the matter, and that the colonel feels bitterly
towards me. I do not see why: I have carried no messages between
you and Miss Daw; I have behaved with the greatest discretion. I
can find no flaw anywhere in my proceeding. I do not see that
anybody has done anything--except the colonel himself.

It is probable, nevertheless, that the friendly relations between
the two houses will be broken off. "A plague o' both your houses,"
say you. I will keep you informed, as well as I can, of what occurs
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