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Majorie Daw by Thomas Bailey Aldrich
page 25 of 28 (89%)



August 31, 1872.

Your letter, announcing your mad determination to come here, has
just reached me. I beseech you to reflect a moment. The step would
be fatal to your interests and hers. You would furnish just cause
for irritation to R. W. D.; and, though he loves Marjorie
devotedly, he is capable of going to any lengths if opposed. You
would not like, I am convinced, to be the means of causing him to
treat her with severity. That would be the result of your presence
at The Pines at this juncture. I am annoyed to be obliged to point
out these things to you. We are on very delicate ground, Jack; the
situation is critical, and the slightest mistake in a move would
cost us the game. If you consider it worth the winning, be patient.
Trust a little to my sagacity. Wait and see what happens. Moreover,
I understand from Dillon that you are in no condition to take so
long a journey. He thinks the air of the coast would be the worst
thing possible for you; that you ought to go inland, if anywhere.
Be advised by me. Be advised by Dillon.


September 1, 1872.
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