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Majorie Daw by Thomas Bailey Aldrich
page 27 of 28 (96%)



On the second day of September, 1872, as the down express, due at
3.40, left the station at Hampton, a young man, leaning on the
shoulder of a servant, whom he addressed as Watkins, stepped from
the platform into a hack, and requested to be driven to "The
Pines." On arriving at the gate of a modest farm-house, a few miles
from the station, the young man descended with difficulty from the
carriage, and, casting a hasty glance across the road, seemed much
impressed by some peculiarity in the landscape. Again leaning on
the shoulder of the person Watkins, he walked to the door of the
farm-house and inquired for Mr. Edward Delaney. He was informed by
the aged man who answered his knock, that Mr. Edward Delaney had
gone to Boston the day before, but that Mr. Jonas Delaney was
within. This information did not appear satisfactory to the
stranger, who inquired if Mr. Edward Delaney had left any message
for Mr. John Flemming. There was a letter for Mr. Flemming if he
were that person. After a brief absence the aged man reappeared
with a Letter.



September 1, 1872.

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