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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 152, June 20, 1917 by Various
page 3 of 55 (05%)
total absence of learned counsel in that locality.

* * *

The KAISER, it appears, has lost no time in commiserating with his
troops on their magnificent victory at Messines.

* * *

The title which Mr. JOHN HASSALL wrote under one of his sketches
suggested the words for a song which has now been written. It is
only fair to the artist to say that he was not aware that his quite
innocent title would lead to this.

* * *

The National Service staff at St. Ermin's Hotel, Westminster, has been
reduced by half. It is now expected that the unemployed half will
volunteer for National Service.

* * *

Berlin announces that all through-lines in Germany are running. The
case of the HINDENBURG Line seems to be infectious.

* * *

"No cheese," says _The Evening News_, "has quite the bite of Cheddar."
At the same time, unless it wags its tail to show that it is friendly,
we feel that every cheese with a bite like that would be much safer if
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