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Arbor Day Leaves - A Complete Programme For Arbor Day Observance, Including - Readings, Recitations, Music, and General Information by Nathaniel Hillyer Egleston
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the same as they were ages of years since. Old as the everlasting
hills, during thousands of seasons they have put forth and laid down
their verdure in calm obedience to the decree which first bade them
cover the ruins of the Deluge.



When the great wind sets things whirling
And rattles the window panes,
And blows the dust in giants
And dragons tossing their manes;
When the willows have waves like water,
And children are shouting with glee;
When the pines are alive and the larches,--
Then hurrah for you and me,
In the tip o' the top o' the top o' the tip of
the popular poplar tree!

Don't talk about Jack and the Beanstalk--
He did not climb half so high!
And Alice in all her travels
Was never so near the sky!
Only the swallow, a-skimming
The storm-cloud over the lea,
Knows how it feels to be flying--
When the gusts come strong and free--
In the tip o' the top o' the top o' the tip of
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