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Arbor Day Leaves - A Complete Programme For Arbor Day Observance, Including - Readings, Recitations, Music, and General Information by Nathaniel Hillyer Egleston
page 25 of 79 (31%)

The forester, it will be seen, has a distinct mission, which is to
perpetuate the forests so indispensable to civilized life, and to
produce at a minimum expense, from a given piece of ground, the
greatest amount of forest products.

As our forests decrease in extent and deteriorate in quality, and as,
with the increase of our population, the demands upon forest products
of all kinds become greater, the necessity of a rational system of
forestry, and the need of educated foresters becomes more apparent
every day. We should, moreover, constantly bear in mind that, while
there are trees, as the catalpa, the ash and the hickory, which will
attain merchantable size in forty or fifty years from the seed, there
are others such as the pine and the tulip-poplar, which require for
reaching the necessary dimensions a period of from sixty to eighty
years; and still others, such as the oaks and the black walnut, for
the full development of which about a hundred and fifty years are
required. Can we, in view of this, still be in doubt as to whether or
not the time has come when we should earnestly consider the question?

Secretary of Ohio State Forestry Bureau.


If the Oak is out before the Ash,
T'will be a summer of wet and splash;
But if the Ash is out before the Oak,
T'will be a summer of fire and smoke.
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