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Arbor Day Leaves - A Complete Programme For Arbor Day Observance, Including - Readings, Recitations, Music, and General Information by Nathaniel Hillyer Egleston
page 36 of 79 (45%)
of tree-structure, drawing the various forms of trees on the
blackboard and encouraging the pupils to do the same, allowing them
also to correct each other's drawings. This will greatly increase
their knowledge of trees and their interest in them as well as in
Arbor Day and its appropriate observance.


Programme for Arbor Day.

We give in this part of our manual a programme for Arbor Day
observance. It is presented not so much in the expectation that it
will be exactly copied as that it may serve as suggestion of what may
be done. We have added various selections from poets and prose writers
which may help those who are preparing for the proper observance of
Arbor Day. But these are only a few specimens from the great stores of
our literature. A little care and painstaking beforehand will furnish
an ample supply of the desired material, for our literature abounds in
such. Not the least of the benefits of the observance of Arbor Day is
the opportunity it gives for making the young familiar with the best
thoughts of the best writers and thus giving them a literary culture
in the pleasantest manner. Thus while preparing to plant trees we may
be planting in the young mind and heart growths more precious and
lasting than they.

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