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Arbor Day Leaves - A Complete Programme For Arbor Day Observance, Including - Readings, Recitations, Music, and General Information by Nathaniel Hillyer Egleston
page 4 of 79 (05%)


Introduction 2
Origin of Arbor Day 2
Readings for Arbor Day 3
About Trees--(J. Sterling Morton) 3
Leaves, and What They Do 5
Bryant, the Poet of Trees 8
Forest Hymn--(Bryant) 8
James Russell Lowell 9
The Oak--(James Russell Lowell) 9
What One Tree is Worth 11
Enduring Character of the Forests--(Susan Fenimore Cooper) 11
The Popular Poplar Tree--(Blanch Willis Howard) 12
Forestry and the Need of It--(Hon. Adolph Lené) 12
Tree Weather Proverbs 13
Flowers 13
Arbor Day Celebrations 14
Growing Observance of Arbor Day 14
States and Territories Observing Arbor Day 15
Encouraging Words 15
The Best Use of Arbor Day 16
Trees in Their Leafless State 18
Programme for Arbor Day 19
I. Exercises in the School Room 19
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