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Arbor Day Leaves - A Complete Programme For Arbor Day Observance, Including - Readings, Recitations, Music, and General Information by Nathaniel Hillyer Egleston
page 53 of 79 (67%)
Joyous we, all of us, feel their glad power.

Shovel and spade, trowel and hoe,
Carefully dig up the quick-yielding ground;
Make we a bed, softly lay low
Each little root with the earth spread around;
Snug as a nest, the soil round them pressed,
This is the home that the rootlings love best.


Moisten and soften the ground, ye Spring Rains;
Swell ye the buds, and fill ye the veins,
Bless the dear tree, bountiful Sun;
Warm thou the blood in the stem till it run;
Hasten the growth, let leaves have birth,
Make it most beautiful thing of the earth.




NOTE.--One or more of the recitations may be given with the
planting of each tree, the number depending upon the number
of trees planted.

_First pupil._
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