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Arbor Day Leaves - A Complete Programme For Arbor Day Observance, Including - Readings, Recitations, Music, and General Information by Nathaniel Hillyer Egleston
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Oh, happy trees which we plant to-day,
What great good fortunes wait you!
For you will grow in sun and snow
Till fruit and flowers freight you.

Your winter covering of snow,
Will dazzle with its splendor;
Your summer's garb, with richest glow,
Will feast of beauty render.

In your cool shade will tired feet
Pause, weary, when 'tis summer,
And rest like this will be most sweet
To every tired new-comer.

_Fifth pupil._


When wake the violets, winter dies;
When sprout the elm buds, Spring is near;
When lilacs blossom, Summer cries,
Bud, little rose! Spring is here.


_Sixth Pupil._

When we plant a tree, we are doing what we can to make our
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