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Arbor Day Leaves - A Complete Programme For Arbor Day Observance, Including - Readings, Recitations, Music, and General Information by Nathaniel Hillyer Egleston
page 66 of 79 (83%)
New Primary Arithmetic 18 cents
New Rudiments of Arithmetic 30 cents
New Practical Arithmetic 65 cents

These revisions present in a new dress all of those distinctive
features which have contributed to the success and popularity of
Robinson's Progressive Arithmetics, while introducing much important
and valuable matter not to be found in the earlier editions. The New
Primary and New Practical Arithmetics form an excellent two-book
course. The Rudiments is an intermediate book, giving additional drill
and strengthening the series where most pupils are weak. The three
books are therefore confidently recommended when time will permit
their use.


Appletons' First Lessons 36 cents
Appletons' Numbers Applied 75 cents

Embodying many new and practical features.


New Elementary Arithmetic 35 cents
New Practical Arithmetic 50 cents
New Intellectual Arithmetic 25 cents
New Higher Arithmetic 85 cents

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