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Arbor Day Leaves - A Complete Programme For Arbor Day Observance, Including - Readings, Recitations, Music, and General Information by Nathaniel Hillyer Egleston
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at present forty-four states and territories celebrate Arbor Day. Its
every way healthful and desirable features have so generally commended
it also that it has gained a foothold abroad and has begun to be
observed in England, Scotland, France, and even in far-off South
Africa. It has become preƫminently a school day and a school festival.
In many cases school teachers and superintendents have introduced its
observance. But it has soon so commended itself to all that, in most
cases, it has been established by law and made a legal holiday.

Readings for Arbor Day.


From the originator of Arbor Day.

A tree is the perfection in strength, beauty, and usefulness of
vegetable life. It stands majestic through the sun and storm of
centuries. Resting in summer beneath its cooling shade, or sheltering
besides its massive trunk from the chilling blast of winter, we are
prone to forget the little seed whence it came. Trees are no
respecters of persons. They grow as luxuriantly beside the cabin of
the pioneer as against the palace of the millionaire. Trees are not
proud. What is this tree? This great trunk, these stalwart limbs,
these beautiful branches, these gracefully bending boughs, these
gorgeous flowers, this flashing foliage and ripening fruit, purpling
in the autumnal haze are only living materials organized in the
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