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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 159, September 15, 1920 by Various
page 4 of 62 (06%)
Everybody should economise after a great war, says an American film
producer. We always do our best after every great war.

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According to an official report only fifty policemen were bitten by
dogs in London last week. The falling off is said to be due to the
fact that it has been rather a good year for young and tender postmen.

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Some highly-strung persons, says a medical writer, are even afraid of
inanimate objects. This accounts for many nervous people being afraid
of venturing too near a plumber.

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"I only want the potatoes in the allotment and not the earth," said a
complainant at Deptford. It is evident that, if this man is a trade
unionist, he is a raw amateur.

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Doctors at Vicenza have threatened to strike. This means that people
in that neighbourhood will have to die without medical assistance.

* * *

"Chief Hailstorm," of the Texas Rangers, has arrived in London. His
brother, Chief Rainstorm, has, of course, been with us most of the
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