The Botanical Magazine, Vol. 3 - Or, Flower-Garden Displayed by William Curtis
page 19 of 62 (30%)
page 19 of 62 (30%)
warmth of the stove, for it bears forcing well enough.
It is increased by offsets from the bulbs. [83] HIBISCUS SYRIACUS. SYRIAN HIBISCUS; commonly called ALTHÆA FRUTEX. _Class and Order._ MONADELPHIA POLYANDRIA. _Generic Character._ _Calyx_ duplex, exterior polyphyllus. _Capsula_ 5-locularis, polysperma. _Specific Character and Synonyms._ HIBISCUS _syriacus_ foliis cuneiformi ovatis superne incise-serratis, caule arboreo. _Lin. Syst. Veg. p. 630._ ALCEA arborescens syriaca. _Bauh. Pin. p. 316._ ALTHÆA frutex flore albo vel purpureo. _Park. Par. p. 369._ |