The Healthy Life, Vol. V, Nos. 24-28 - The Independent Health Magazine by Various
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Doctor on Doctors, A, 637 Doctor's Reason for Opposing Vaccination, A, Dr J.W. Hodge, 597 Doctors and Health, 633 Fasting, A Significant Case, A. Rabagliati, M.D., 458, 492 Fear and Imagination, E.M. Cobham, 510 Food and the Source of Bodily Energy, 507 Fruit-Oils and Nuts, 659 Futurist Gardening, G.G. Desmond, 451 Health Queries, Dr H. Valentine Knaggs:-- About Sugar, 540; Bad Case of Self-poisoning, 502; Boils, their Cause and Cure, 498; Canary _versus_ Jamaica Bananas, 579; Can Malaria be Prevented? 466; Cereal Food in the Treatment of Neuritis, 619; Correct Blending of Foods, 655; Concerning Cottage Cheese, 617; Deafness, 615, 616; Diet for Obstinate Cough, 618; |