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The Bay State Monthly, Volume 3, No. 6 by Various
page 15 of 376 (03%)
head,--when Pickett with that proud, impetuous air which has earned him
the title of the "Ney" of the Rebel army, exclaimed, "Sir! I _shall_
lead my division forward!" The orders now rang out, "_Attention_!
_Attention_!" and the men, realizing the end was near, cried out to
their comrades, "Good-by, boys! good-by!" Suddenly rang on the air the
final order from Pickett himself, as his sabre flashed from its
scabbard,--"_column forward! guide centre_!" And the brigades of
Kemper, Garnett and Armistead moved towards Cemetery Ridge as one man.
Soon Pettigrew's division emerged from the woods and followed in echelon
on Pickett's left flank, and Wilcox with his Alabama division moved out
to support his right flank--in all about fifteen thousand men. The
selection of these supports shows a lack of judgment which it would
almost seem impossible for Lee to have made. Pettigrew's division was
composed mostly of new troops from North Carolina, and had been terribly
used up in the first day's fight, and were in no condition to form part
of a forlorn hope. Wilcox's troops had also received very severe
punishment in the second day's engagement in his attack on the Ridge and
should have been replaced by fresh well-tried brigades. But the movement
had now begun and Lee with his generals about him watched anxiously for
the result.

[Illustration: MAJ. GEN. GEORGE E. PICKETT]

It was nearly a mile to the Union lines, and as they advanced over the
open plain the Federal artillery opened again, ploughing great lanes
through their solid ranks, but they closed up to '_guide centre_'
as if upon dress-parade; when half way over Pickett halted his division
amidst a terrible fire of shot and shell, and changed his direction by
an oblique movement coolly and beautifully made. But here occurred the
greatest mistake of all. Wilcox paid no attention to this change of
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