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The Bay State Monthly, Volume 3, No. 6 by Various
page 17 of 376 (04%)
officer of three brigades gone, three-fourths of his men killed or
captured, himself untouched but broken-hearted, gave the order for
retreat, but band of heroes as they were they fled not; but amidst that
still continuous, terrible fire they slowly, sullenly, recrossed the
plain,--all that was left of them, but few of five thousand.

[Illustration: Position of troops at time of attack on left centre on
3rd day of battle of Gettysburg.]

Thus ended the greatest charge known to modern warfare. Made in a
most unequal manner against a great army and amidst the most terrific
cannonade known in wars, and yet so perfect was the discipline, so
audacious the valor that had this handful of Virginians been properly
supported they would perhaps have rendered the Federal position
untenable, and possibly have established the Southern Confederacy.
While other battle-fields are upturned by the plough and covered with
waving grain, Cemetery Ridge will forever proudly uphold its monuments
telling of glory both to the Blue and the Gray, and our children's
children while standing upon its crest will rehearse again of Pickett's
wonderful charge.

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