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The Black Douglas by S. R. (Samuel Rutherford) Crockett
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"My lord," he said, after a long pause, in which he waited for the
youth to speak, "this is not well--you ride unattended and unarmed."

"Ah, Malise," laughed the young Earl, "a Douglas has few privileges if
he may not sometimes on a summer eve lay aside his heavy prisonment of
armour and don such a suit as this! What think you, eh? Is it not a
valiant apparel, as might almost beseem one who rode a-courting?"

The mighty master-smith looked at the young man with eyes in which
reverence, rebuke, and admiration strove together.

"But," he said, wagging his head with a grave humorousness, "your
lordship needs not to ride a-courting. You are to be married to a
great dame who will bring you wealth, alliance, and the dower of

The young man shrugged his shoulders, and swung lightly off his
charger, which turned to look at him as he stood and patted its neck.

"Know you not, Malise," he said, "that the Earl of Douglas must needs
marry provinces and the Lord of Galloway wed riches? But what is there
in that to prevent Will Douglas going courting at eighteen years of
his age as a young man ought. But have no fear, I come not hither
seeking the favour of any, save of that lily flower of yours, the only
true May-blossom that blooms on the Three Thorns of Carlinwark. I
would look upon the angel smile on the face of your little daughter
Magdalen. An she be here, I would toss her arm-high for a kiss of her
mouth, which I would rather touch than that of lady or leman. For I do
ever profess myself her vassal and slave. Where have you hidden her,
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