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The Black Douglas by S. R. (Samuel Rutherford) Crockett
page 30 of 499 (06%)



"Joyous," she cried, as they went, "Oh, most joyous would it be to see
the noble castle and to have all the famous two thousand knights to
make love to me at once! To capture two thousand hearts at one sweep
of the net! What would Margaret of France herself say to that?"

"Is there no single heart sufficient to satisfy you, fair maid?" said
the young man, in a low voice; "none loyal enough nor large enough for
you that you desire so many?"

"And what would I do with one if it were in my hands," she said
wistfully; "that is, if it were a worthy heart and one worth the
taking. Ever since I was a child I have always broken my toys when I
tired of them."

The voices of the singing children on the green came more faintly to
their ears, but the words were still clear to be understood.

_"Off to prison you must go, you must go, you must go,
Off to prison you must go,
My fair lady!"_

"You hear? It is my fate!" she said.

"Nay," answered the Earl, passionately, still looking in her eyes.
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