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The Black Douglas by S. R. (Samuel Rutherford) Crockett
page 42 of 499 (08%)



One of these was Malise the Smith, towering like a giant. His hands
rested on the hilt of a mighty sword, whose blade sparkled in the
lamplight as if the master armourer had drawn it that moment from the
midst of his charcoal fire.

A little in front of Malise there stood another figure, less imposing
in physical proportions, but infinitely more striking in dignity and
apparel. This second was a man of tall and spare frame, of a
countenance grave and severe, yet with a certain kindly power latent
in him also. He was dressed in the white robe of a Cistercian, with
the black scapulary of the order. On his head was the mitre, and in
his hand the staff of the abbot of a great establishment which he
wears when he goes visiting his subsidiary houses. More remarkable
than all was the monk's likeness to the young man who now stood before
him with an expression of indignant surprise on his face, which slowly
merged into anger as he understood why these two men were there.

He recognised his uncle the Abbot William Douglas, the head of the
great Abbey of Dulce Cor upon Solway side.

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