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The Black Douglas by S. R. (Samuel Rutherford) Crockett
page 48 of 499 (09%)


[Now these things, material to the life and history of William, sixth
Earl of Douglas, are not written from hearsay, but were chronicled
within his lifetime by one who saw them and had part therein, though
the part was but a boy's one. His manuscript has come down to us and
lies before the transcriber. Sholto MacKim, the son of Malise the
Smith, testifies to these things in his own clerkly script. He adds
particularly that his brother Laurence, being at the time but a boy,
had little knowledge of many of the actual facts, and is not to be
believed if at any time he should controvert anything which he
(Sholto) has written. So far, however, as the present collector and
editor can find out, Laurence MacKim appears to have been entirely
silent on the subject, at least with his pen, so that his brother's
caveat was superfluous.]

* * * * *

The instant Lord William entered his own castle of Thrieve over the
drawbridge, and without even returning the salutations of his guard,
he turned about to the two men who had so masterfully compelled his

"Ho, guard, there!" he cried, "seize me this instant the Abbot of the
New Abbey and Malise MacKim."

And so much surprised but wholly obedient, twenty archers of the
Earl's guard, commanded by old John of Abernethy, called Landless
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