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The Extermination of the American Bison by William Temple Hornaday
page 3 of 332 (00%)
VIII. Value to mankind
IX. Economic value of the bison to Western
1. The bison in captivity and domestication
2. Need of an improvement in range cattle
3. Character of the buffalo-domestic hybrid
4. The bison as a beast of burden
5. List of bison herds and individuals
in captivity


I. Causes of the extermination
II. Methods of slaughter
1. The "still hunt"
2. The chase on horseback
3. Impounding
4. The surround
5. Decoying and driving
6. Hunting on snow-shoes
III. Progress of the extermination
A. The period of desultory destruction
B. The period of systematic slaughter
1. The Red River half-breeds
2. The country of the Sioux
3. Western railways, and their part
in the extermination of the buffalo
4. The division of the universal herd
5. The destruction of the southern herd
6. Statistics of the slaughter
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