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Gustavus Vasa - and other poems by William Sidney Walker
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And o'er me sleep his drowsy mantle threw:
'Till, roused by morning's beam, my bark I steer'd
Where full in sight your mountain-land appear'd,
Cut thro' the bordering groves my rapid way,
And reach'd your rural dome by close of day,
Propitious Heaven my guide." While yet he spoke,
In Vasa's breast the storm of fury woke:
Each phrase accustomed, each familiar tone,
Proclaim'd the wretch for daring treasons known.
With giant grasp he seiz'd the youth, whose mind
Nor hoped, nor sought to shun the death design'd;
"And comest thou then, young veteran in deceit,
To make thy work of perfidy complete,
To earn by Vasa's death one title more,
And revel in another patriot's gore?--
And think'st thou still to flatter and deceive,
By fables madness only can believe?--
Thy wealth is useless now--this ruined state
Has long in vain required her traitor's fate;
She bids me, when I can, avenge her woes,
And wreak her wrongs where'er I meet her foes!
Brave Stenon quits the mansions of the dead,
And calls down lightning on his murderer's head!
Confirm my deed, ye all-attesting skies!
Sweden! accept the grateful sacrifice
That stains thy thirsty soil!" He spoke, and raised
His long-tried sword; high o'er the youth it blazed--
"Accept the sacrifice!" with voice serene
The youth re-echoed, and unalter'd mien:
When lo! that practised arm, which once could rear
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