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Gustavus Vasa - and other poems by William Sidney Walker
page 113 of 187 (60%)
Explored the dark profound,
And aye the warrior's cautious ear
Was watching every sound;
But the air of night was mirk and dread,
And all was silent around his head.


At length, uncertain murmurs rose
Athwart the billows grey,
Breaking the night-air's still repose,
And deepening on their way:
He beard the dashing of the oar,
And the long surge whitening to the shore;
And now the broad-sailed bark appear'd,
And now to the silvery beach it steer'd,
And anchored in the bay.


"What news, what news of Lochlin's king?"
The Chief of Lona cried:
"Tidings of war and death I bring,"
The ocean-scout replied.
"A dreadful vow has King Haquin vow'd,
To spread in Albin his banners proud,
Disperse o'er forest, field, and fold,
His hundred troops of warriors bold,
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