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Gustavus Vasa - and other poems by William Sidney Walker
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Grantham, Right Hon. Lord
Grantham, Lady
Grantley, Right Hon. Lord
Glenbervie, Right Hon. Lord
Gray, Right Hon. Lord
Gray, Lady
Goodall, Rev. Dr., Provost of Eton _2 Copies_
Goodall, Mrs.
Goodricke, Sir H. Bart.
Grose, Hon. Mr. Justice
Gibbs, Hon. Mr. Justice _2 Copies_
Garrow, Sir W., Solicitor General
Gabel, Rev. Dr., Head Master of Winton _2 Copies_
Garnier, Rev. Mr., Chancellor of Winton _2 Copies_
Griffiths, Henry, Esq., Windsor
Gurney, Henry, Esq.
Gurney, John, Esq., Serjeant's Inn
Green, Rev. J., Kilvington
Gosling, F., Esq., Isleworth
Gosling, F., Esq., Junior, Isleworth
Goodeve, T., Esq., Warwick Court
Gee, Osgood, Esq., Seymour Street
Gregory, Lieutenant, Plymouth
Grant, John, Esq., Pimlico
Gilchrist, Mr., Twickenham
Green, George, Esq., Clapham Road
Green, Mr., Eton
Green, Mr. G.
Gore, Mr. Robert, Cheapside
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