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Gustavus Vasa - and other poems by William Sidney Walker
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It would be a sufficient reason for sanctioning this work with your
Ladyship's name, that it is an offering of gratitude, presented because
there is nothing worthier to give.

But there is another cause. He who celebrates a patriot, cannot address
himself to any one more properly than to the daughter of a patriot; of
one who was for years the naval sun of England, and from whom the young
and enterprising caught the unextinguishable rays of patriotism and

For actions and glory such as his, the female mind is not formed; but in
the calm and active virtues of private life, which are almost equally
honourable to the possessor, your Ladyship maintains the dignity of your
race. I call to witness those whom you have soothed in affliction, and
those whom you have honoured with your friendship. They will vindicate
me from the charge of flattery, and support my assertion, that your
patronage is as glorious to me, as any I could possibly have chosen.

With the hope, that the virtues of your excellent daughter, and your
son, whom I am proud to call my friend, may answer your fullest

I remain,
Your Ladyship's
Most obliged
And devoted Servant,

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