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Gustavus Vasa - and other poems by William Sidney Walker
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Council--Trollio--Bernheim--Ernestus--Christiern proposes the reduction
of Dalecarlia--Ernestus opposes him, is committed to prison--Christiern
takes his measures to oppose a rebellion just arisen in Denmark._

Gustavus Vasa,



The Swede I sing, by Heaven ordain'd to save
His country's glories from a Danish grave,
Restore her laws, her Papal rites efface,
And fix her freedom on a lasting base.

Celestial Liberty! by whom impell'd
From early youth fair honour's path he held;
By whose strong aid his patient courage rose
Superior to the rushing tide of woes,
And at whose feet, when Heaven his toils repaid,
His brightest wreaths the grateful hero laid:
Me too assist; with thy inspiring beam
Aid my weak powers, and bless my rising theme!
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