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Gustavus Vasa - and other poems by William Sidney Walker
page 43 of 187 (22%)
Here Curio gnaws his chain--Ernestus! see
A darker grave;--a grave reserv'd for thee!"
The widening chasm around him seem'd to grow.
His kindred spirits call'd him from below;
When lo! it closed--and from heaven's opening height,
A brilliant ray burst on his dazzled sight,
And broke the dream.--In deep amazement lost,
Unnumber'd thoughts his feverish bosom cross'd;
Hope, wonder, fear, and penitence combined,
For many a hour oppress'd his varying mind,
'Till now in heaven's blue space the lamp of day
Was hung serene: he hail'd the cheering ray,
And thus began: "Eternal beam, give ear!
Earth, air, and thou, all-ruling Monarch, hear!
Call'd forth by thee from the deep maze of ill,
I haste, to work the mandates of thy will.
This hour, this moment, unappall'd by shame,
The servitude of guilt I will disclaim;
And, if eternal mercy deign to spare
The forfeit life she rescued from despair,
'Tis mine to watch my country's hapless cause,
And with fix'd soul defend her injured laws.
Hear, Stenon, hear! from heaven's bright arch bend down
The sapphire glories of thy radiant crown,
Accept th' atonement with propitious brow,
And thro' the courts of heaven proclaim my vow!"

Thus spoke Ernestus, and in silence sought
The council hall, involved in careful thought.

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