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Gustavus Vasa - and other poems by William Sidney Walker
page 67 of 187 (35%)
Where a selected band in silence keep
Perpetual watch. Before Olaus' stride,
Ere yet he spoke, th' obedient crowd divide.
A lonely boat amidst the harbour stood,
And cast its shadow o'er the neighbouring flood.
This from the strand he loos'd, and bade the sail
Spread its white bosom to th' indulgent gale:
They take their seats, and from the lessening shore
It flies; the parted billows foam before:
On each wan cheek the freshening breezes play,
And speed their passage o'er the watery way.
The silver splendors of the lunar beam }
Dance on the waves, and in the quiet stream }
The twinkling stars with faint reflection gleam }
Now on the guide Ernestus turn'd his eyes,
The gloomy look, and the gigantic size;
Now on his friend, involv'd in new amaze,
Fix'd the keen ardour of his silent gaze:
Each thought reflected on his brow was seen,
And all his soul seem'd centred in his mien.

Meanwhile the felon, exercised in ill,
Watch'd the due time to work his master's will;
At length his sable robe aside he threw,
And from its dark concealing mantle drew
A dagger's well-tried point. The moonshine play'd
On the smooth surface of the polish'd blade.
Ernestus saw: his heart-blood quicker flow'd;
On his bold cheek the mounting courage glow'd:
Inspired by Heaven, a sudden vigour strung
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