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Gustavus Vasa - and other poems by William Sidney Walker
page 79 of 187 (42%)
Enthroned in clouds, thou view'st the realm below,
The Lusian, Gaul, and Albion's warring train,
The clash of arms, and tumult of the plain;
From thence I call thee--rouse thy name once more, }
And to an equal theme thine aid implore, }
Since Spain is now, what Sweden was before. }

And now with transport wild Ernestus spies
Dalarne's continuous coast before him rise.
Ere yet he reach'd the bank, the toiling oar
He dropp'd, and sprung impatient to the shore.
Before him wide the dark-brow'd forests frown'd,
And morn's still hour hush'd all the space around,
Save where the whispers of the changeful breeze
Half waved the summits of the towering trees.
Alone, and guided by a straggling beam,
He hastened onward, where the murmuring stream
Cut thro' the woods its liquid way, and laved
The grass, that round their trunks luxuriant waved.
The willing woods an easy passage yield,
And his glad footsteps reach the bordering field.

O'er many a hill he pass'd, and many a plain,
While the steep sun toiled up heaven's blue domain:
At length, o'erspent with labour, he descries
A spire white-glistening in the morning-skies;
Around, a hundred cots in order rose, }
And mingling trees a shadowy scene compose; }
A mighty wood, o'er all, its dark protection throws. }
On vale, on village, and protecting wood,
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