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Gustavus Vasa - and other poems by William Sidney Walker
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Arouse, and conquer, by my zeal inspired!"

He spoke, and speaking every bosom fired.
From one to one the patriot ardour flows,
As on the ruffled deep the watery circle grows.

First rose his generous son, Adolphus named, }
For martial sports and manly courage famed, }
A youth, who once in war the palm of honour claimed: }
And thus express'd his mind: "To-morrow's dawn
Will see assembled on our spreading lawn
The chiefs of Dalecarlia's mountain-land,
With all their following train, a countless band.
To that vast crowd let some bold youth proclaim }
Eternal war on Denmark's hated name, }
And say, "From Mora's chiefs this martial challenge came." }
Their valiant clans will gather at the sound,
And squadrons people all the dales around.
Oh! did one fearless heart, of those who died
When reeking Stockholm pour'd a crimson tide,
Did one, but one, remain, his country's shield,
To lead our warriors to the deathful field;
Then might the angry king his legions tire,
Waste on these rocks his ineffectual ire,
Scowl at his freeborn foes, and vainly try
To plant his silken standards in our sky!"

Struck with the welcome thought, from man to man
Mingled with praise, assenting murmurs ran
Unequal--So in night's tempestuous roar
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