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Gustavus Vasa - and other poems by William Sidney Walker
page 92 of 187 (49%)
Was all my life--Suspense still waved a dart
Of death-like terror o'er my throbbing heart.--
I was not there, when thou, my Stenon, fell,
To cheer thee with a soldier's kind farewell,
At once to lay thy base betrayer low,
And pour full vengeance on the astonished foe!
Thy spirit, from its earthly home released,
Thy patriot spirit entered in my breast;
That soul ev'n now my toil-worn bosom fires,
Prompts every deed, and every wish inspires!--
Stung with fresh hope, I burst the involving chain, }
Sought the sad relics of my friends in vain, }
And roam'd o'er Sweden's now subdued domain. }
As the swift flame alike unquench'd remains
In air's clear space, and earth's dark cavern'd veins,
Thro' every change burn'd on my great design;
The crowded trade-ship, and the starless mine,
The forest now, and now the mountain-cave,
From following foes alternate refuge gave.
Now my bold purpose boldly I pursued,
Call'd Sweden's sons to arms, and all my hopes renew'd;
Now the thick storm of danger shunn'd, and fled
To hide in darkness my devoted head:
Now fierce to conquer, now content to live,
A patriot now, and now a fugitive.
Thro' province, town, and hamlet, on I pass'd,
Where virtue, or where freedom, yet might last;
With keen reproach the lagging spirit fired,
The weak with hope, the bold with praise inspired.
But all was changed! and Sweden but a name!
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