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Gustavus Vasa - and other poems by William Sidney Walker
page 97 of 187 (51%)
I quit at length this long-disputed land:
Assist me still!--and grant my native shore
One hour of rest, one tranquil season more!
Enough her ancient crimes have teem'd with woes;
Let her long griefs be paid with short repose:
Or, if I seek that kind reprieve in vain,
Let future years, at least, dissolve her chain!
Protect my honoured mother: and assuage
The woes that wreck my sister's youthful age:--
If yet on earth the beauteous flow'ret bloom,
Or wither'd moulder in the silent tomb,
I must not know--Enough--thy gracious will
Divides, with equal measure, good and ill!--
To them, if aught I merit, be it given;
And grant them peace on earth, or bliss in heaven.
I will not name them more--the mournful name
Would damp with grief my soul's reviving flame.
To safe retreats my fellow-patriots lead,
Reward their labours, and their vows succeed;
Nor let one soul repine he ever fought
For virtuous praise, or deem it dearly bought!"

Scarce had he finish'd, when o'er rock and dell
A sudden stream of yellow splendour fell,
As if a star, with sunlike lustre crown'd,
Dropp'd instantaneous thro' the blue profound.
His heaving breast the joyful omen cheer'd,
And now thro' parting clouds the moon appear'd.

Beneath her glimmering light the chief survey'd
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