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Scientific American Supplement, No. 717, September 28, 1889 by Various
page 2 of 153 (01%)
frictionless railway, with sectional illustrations of its
structure.--8 illustrations. 11451

II. ELECTRICITY.--Early Electric Lighting.--Electric lighting in
Salem in 1859, a very curious piece of early history. 11458

Electric Motor for Alternating Currents.--A motor on an
entirely new principle for the application of the alternating
current with results obtained, and the economic outlook of
the invention. 11458

Portable Electric Light.--A lamp for military and other use,
in which the prime motor, including the boiler and the lamp
itself, are carried on one carriage.--1 illustration. 11458

The Electric Age.--By CHARLES CARLETON COFFIN.--A short
_resume_ of the initial achievements of modern
electricity. 11458

III. GEOLOGY.--The Fuels of the Future.--A prognosis of the future
prospect of the world as regards a fuel supply, with a
special reference to the use of natural gas. 11457

IV. MISCELLANEOUS.--Preservation of Spiders for the Cabinet.--A
method of setting up spiders for preservation in the cabinet,
with formulæ of solutions used and full details of the
manipulation.--1 illustration. 11461

The Ship in the New French Ballet of the "Tempest."--A
curious example of modern scenic perfection, giving the
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