Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. LXX, Dec. 1910 - Tests of Creosoted Timber, Paper No. 1168 by W. B. (William Benjamin) Gregory
page 15 of 29 (51%)
page 15 of 29 (51%)
Average | |3,580|5,480|364_{4}|1,780|23.2| 9.4|33.7| Air dry,
Maximum | 4 |4,070|6,600|440 |1,987|24.3|11.5|34.5| 3-1/2 months Minimum | |3,090|5,000|327 |1,530|21.5| 8.0|32.5| in the open. --------+---+-----+-----+-------+-----+----+----+----+-------------- Average | |4,512|5,060|338_{3}|1,685|20 | 7.7|33.9| Kiln dry, Maximum | 5 |5,840|7,320|488 |1,790|22 |10.2|38.0| 6 days. Minimum | |3,180|2,150|143 |1,410|18 | 4.7|27.7| --------+---+-----+-----+-------+-----+----+----+----+-------------- Average | |4,331|6,721|493_{9}|1,688| -- | 7.7| -- | Air dry, 21 Maximum |12 |4,990|8,560|620 |2,002| -- | 9.5| -- | months under Minimum | |3,110|5,160|380 |1,398| -- | 5.5| -- | shelter. ==================================================================== NOTE.--Figures written as subscripts to the figures for longitudinal shear indicate the number of sticks failing in that manner. [Illustration: PLATE II.--SIDE VIEWS OF TESTED TIMBERS.] TABLE 4.--LOAD AND DEFLECTION LOG. BEAM I. Columns in table: A: Load, in pounds. B: Reading. C: Total deflection. D: Mean total deflection. Date: February 26th, 1909. Date: February 24th, 1909. _l_ = 12 ft.; _l_ = 12 ft.; |