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Secret Band of Brothers - A Full and True Exposition of All the Various Crimes, Villanies, and Misdeeds of This Powerful Organization in the United States. by Jonathan Harrington Green
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A Full and True Exposition of All the Various Crimes, Villanies,
and Misdeeds of This Powerful Organization in the United States.

By the "Reformed Gambler,"


Author of "The Gambler's Life," "Gambling Exposed," "The Reformed
Gambler; Or, Autobiography of J. H. Green," Etc.

With Illustrative Engravings.

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"This is a most fearful and startling exposition of crime, and
gives the true and secret history of a daring and powerful secret
association, the members of which, residing in all parts of the
country, have for a long period of years been known to one another
by signs and tokens known only to their order. This association has
been guilty of an almost incredible amount of crime. Beautifully
embellished with Illustrative Engravings, from original designs by
Darley and Croome."--_Courier._

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