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The Second Class Passenger - Fifteen Stories by Perceval Gibbon
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"Armed!" repeated Dawson.

"Surely," she answered. "That, at least, is always sure. See," she
pulled the man's sheet wide. Girt into a loin-cloth below was an
ugly, broad blade. "Yes, it was magnificent. You are a man, my

"And you," he said, thrilled by her adulation and, the proximity of
her bare, gleaming bosom, "are a woman."

"Then----" she began spiritedly; but in a heat of cordial impulse he
took her to him and kissed her hotly on the lips.

"I was wondering when it would come," she said slowly, as he released
her. "When you spoke to the German about the bad word, I began to
wonder. I knew it would come. Kiss me again, my friend, and we will
go on."

"Are we getting towards the landing-stage?" he asked her, as the next
roof was crossed. "I mustn't miss my boat, you know."

"Oh, that!" she answered. "You want to go back?"

"Well, of course," he replied, in some surprise. "That's what I was
trying to do when I knocked at your door. I've missed my dinner as it

"Missed your dinner!" she repeated, with a bubble of mirth. "Ye-es;
you have lost that, but,"--she came to him and laid a hand on his
shoulder, speaking softly--"but you have seen me. Is it nothing,
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