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The Haunters & The Haunted - Ghost Stories And Tales Of The Supernatural by Various
page 70 of 388 (18%)
corpse that is on your back to Teampoll-Démus, and you must bring it
into the church with you, and make a grave for it in the very middle of
the church, and you must raise up the flags and put them down again the
very same way, and you must carry the clay out of the church and leave
the place as it was when you came, so that no one could know that there
had been anything changed. But that's not all. Maybe that the body won't
be allowed to be buried in that church; perhaps some other man has the
bed, and, if so, it's likely he won't share it with this one. If you
don't get leave to bury it in Teampoll-Démus, you must carry it to
Carrick-fhad-vic-Orus, and bury it in the churchyard there; and if you
don't get it into that place, take it with you to Teampoll-Ronan; and if
that churchyard is closed on you, take it to Imlogue-Fada; and if you're
not able to bury it there, you've no more to do than to take it to
Kill-Breedya, and you can bury it there without hindrance. I cannot tell
you what one of those churches is the one where you will have leave to
bury that corpse under the clay, but I know that it will be allowed you
to bury him at some church or other of them. If you do this work
rightly, we will be thankful to you, and you will have no cause to
grieve; but if you are slow or lazy, believe me we shall take
satisfaction of you."

When the grey little man had done speaking, his comrades laughed and
clapped their hands together. "Glic! Glic! Hwee! Hwee!" they all cried;
"go on, go on, you have eight hours before you till daybreak, and if you
haven't this man buried before the sun rises, you're lost." They struck
a fist and a foot behind on him, and drove him on in the road. He was
obliged to walk, and to walk fast, for they gave him no rest.

He thought himself that there was not a wet path, or a dirty _boreen_,
or a crooked contrary road in the whole county, that he had not walked
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